Learn to how safely turn down the noise and tune into your highest self.

Tell me more!

We’re told that sensitivity is a gift, that the world needs people with big hearts.

But what if it hurts to be this sensitive?
What if chaos leaves us feeling lost, constantly stressed, and like an open wound from all the world’s suffering?

Are you tired of life being so hard?

It’s hard to embrace sensitivity as a gift when our sanity feels like the cost.

These were my thoughts many times. 

I wanted to believe my sensitivity was beautiful—caring deeply, noticing what others missed, being intuitive. But how could I enjoy it when I was hiding at home, afraid of being triggered by life’s intensity outside?

There was a point that I didn’t want to be highly sensitive anymore. 

Over time, I used my gifts of perception to get to the bottom of this, both for myself and my clients.

It's such a painful way to live.

I realized a few important things:

We’re anxious because we avoid our intense feelings

We’ve hidden who we are for so long that we’ve abandoned ourselves

Our lack of boundaries leaves us vulnerable to getting hurt

We crave boundaries but fear others’ reactions to them





“It felt like Brooke painted a picture of a brighter future for me. I was stuck deeply, and in a gentle and compassionate way, it gave me real hope for the first time in years.”

- LISA-MARIE, Germany

"Understanding myself as an HSP was super critical. But then- how to be in the world when it's crazy and overwhelming? Energetic boundaries to the rescue :). "

-Beth, Usa

Over the past 10 years, I’ve done the work to completely change this dynamic in my life, and I’ve brought these insights to my clients, too.

It’s worked. Not in some magic bullet, "now life is perfect" way—because we all know that’s B.S.—but in a grounded, real, and lasting way.

Here’s what I’ve seen change:
  • Less overwhelm
  • Less anxiety
  • More confidence and calm
  • Better relationships

With almost 20 years of experience as a therapist, I understand HSPs deeply. I bring grounded knowledge and principles that actually create change.

Since I often have a waiting list to work with me one-on-one, I created something you can access now: The Liberated HSP, a program for Highly Sensitive People who believe in the possibility of a good life.

But first, let me introduce myself!

I get how you got here. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay here.

I’ve always been highly sensitive. 

I feel deeply and I'm curious, passionate and creative. But for the longest time, I thought something was wrong with me.

I felt it most when people misunderstood me, so I tried to hide the parts of me that were "too sensitive". 

I got really good at camouflaging my true self. 

On the outside, I looked "normal." But inside? I was constantly overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted.

One of the hardest parts was not knowing how to protect myself from other people’s emotions. I either withdrew completely or became so guarded I lost myself.

Because I spent so much time masking who I really was, I felt like a shell of myself. —the part of me that made me, me—was gone. The longer I spent weighed down by the world, the more empty and lost I felt.

Hi, I'm Brooke.

My story...

licensed therapist + coach

Just like we need skin to protect our bodies physically, we need an energetic “skin” to protect us emotionally from everything we absorb that isn't ours.

Many of us never learned how to develop this protection. Without it, we fall into patterns of people-pleasing and over-giving, and we lose trust in ourselves. The result? Overwhelm, anxiety, and burnout.

I began to understand why I felt so exposed: I had no energetic protection from the world.

I realized I’d been carrying a belief that it was selfish not to feel everyone’s pain. But I was so tired of feeling everything all the time, and I knew I couldn’t keep going this way.

That’s when I did the work. I started questioning my people pleasing, uncovering limiting beliefs, and allowing myself to create the boundaries I deserved all along.

Life started to change. Slowly, I could go into a restaurant without feeling assaulted by the noise and energy around me. This transformation wasn’t overnight—it took patience, practice, and self-compassion. But it was real.

And this journey is one that so many HSPs need. You are so not alone in this struggle.

Things began to shift when I learned about energetic boundaries. 

This transformation didn’t happen overnight. It took patience, practice, and a lot of compassion for myself.

Nearly every HSP I’ve worked with has needed this same process. You are not alone in this struggle.

After years of feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, I created the program I wish I’d had. It combines the personal insights I’ve gained from my own healing journey and the deep understanding I’ve developed working with HSPs—designed to bring real, lasting change.

Here's what changed for me...

I stopped feeling weighed down by others' emotions

I became less of a people pleaser

I learned how to receive in relationships as well as give

And my intuition became my trusty compass

A 12-week program for
Highly Sensitive People to find calm, confidence, and clarity in a chaotic world.



In this program, you’ll follow the roadmap I’ve used to help hundreds of HSPs reclaim their self-trust and build meaningful connections that energize rather than drain them.

If you decide to join us,
in just 12 weeks you'll:

Say goodbye to Human Sponge Syndrome and
 stop feeling lost in other people’s emotions 

Stop shape-shifting into different versions of yourself to please the people around you

Be able to set gentle boundaries that protect your energy

Know, and trust, your Authentic Self

Connect with your body’s wisdom (the secret ingredient)

Break free from old mindsets no longer serving you

Yes please!

"It feels like must-do work for HSPs."

"I'm becoming more empowered in having boundaries. I've noticed a huge shift in feeling ok when someone is feeling anger about something!! I'm feeling better about saying no to things and giving myself more down time." 

- Angie

- Angie

“Being able to identify the old rules that I have been living by has been such an important aspect of learning how to be free of them.”

- Dnate'

"The true me is inside me already"

"I just needed to learn how..to access my authentic self. 

The depth and accuracy of the coursework really surprised me. I don't think that I have ever heard anyone describe my life experiences so accurately."


  • You want to discover how much power you have to shape your own experience
  • You feel ready for more in life and the next version of yourself
  • You appreciate visioning, dreaming, and self-exploration
  • You thrive when supported by positive, encouraging energy

This program was created with specific HSPs in mind. Is this you?

This is a good fit for you if:

This isn't a good fit for you if:

  • You prefer not to take ownership of your own wellness
  • You’re looking for someone to tell you how to "fix" yourself
  • You want quick, simplistic answers to complex challenges
  • You tend to see things in black and white

Some glowing reviews

- Katie

"Absolutely would recommend this to people who want to gain a new level of understanding and acceptance of themselves.

...this course attracts wonderful HSPs from around the world."

- Mike

"My favorite part is being amongst others who experience the world in similar ways... and feeling less on my own in terms of how to move through life with much more calm and peace."

- Lisa-Marie


"I've been in therapy for many years off and on. The coaching style of this program is similarly helpful but more empowering."

- beth

"Reassured by how many of us HSPs have had similar experiences.

I’ve found the course themes and content really helpful, plus the coaching calls have been super valuable.. leading to some real aha moments."

"I have found that the true me is inside me already. I just needed to learn how to...access my authentic self. 

The depth and accuracy of the coursework really surprised me. I don't think that I have ever heard anyone describe my life experiences so accurately."

- monica

"Very thorough, professional, and rooted in psychology as well as energy knowledge.

Great combination of learning styles - online modules to go through in our own time, plus live calls. No pressure. Warm, supportive, friendly, safe space."

Module One: Boundary Clarity

Clarify the variety of boundary types including time, emotional, mental boundaries and more

Clarify what healthy boundaries look like so you can better enjoy your relationships

Learn what Energetic Boundaries are and how to assess yours! 

Module Two: Initiating Your Journey

Learn how to move any overwhelm aside so that you can enjoy the process!

Set yourself up for a successful journey by getting your "inner allies" on board

Module Three: Listen to Your Body Wisdom

Learn the role your physical body plays in guiding you towards emotional safety

Discover how to ground into your body when you're overwhelmed

Learn powerful tools for hearing your intuitive “yes’s” and “no’s”

Module Four: Reconnect to Your Authentic Self 

Learn how to step out of people pleasing and honor your values.

Stop habits of self-abandonment and learn to stay anchored in yourself.

Discover an easy energy-shifting technique to help you restore your calm.

Module Five: Your Liberation Blueprint

Break free from the subconscious beliefs keeping you stuck.

Learn how to identify "covert contracts" and "the drama triangle" in your relationships

Uncover the surprising connection between energetic boundaries and self kindness.

Module Six: Your Energetic Hygiene Plan

Learn the exact tools I use to protect myself, release unwanted emotion and restore energetic power on a daily basis.

Uncover the untapped energy and deep well of resources you can draw from at all times. 

Here's what you'll learn:



"Learning boundary setting as something I create within myself as an approach to the world, vs the feeling that I have to put up walls against the world to protect myself...has been life changing."

next review

“Just knowing there are others that experience the world in a similar fashion to me and are wanting to heal and grow is reassuring that I am not crazy.”

next review




Plus, you'll get these bonuses when you enroll.


BONUS #2: Mapping Your Next Steps ($97 VALUE)

BONUS #1: Build Relationships that Love You Back ($197 VALUE)

JOIN THE program

(A $391 value for FREE!)

Get scripts for setting and keeping healthy relationship boundaries so you never feel at a loss for words.

Learn how to apply your new energetic boundaries for fulfilling, mutual relationships. 

Learn how to respond to energetically problematic people so you can maintain your sense of self in every relationship.

Integrate what you’ve learned so that your new tools fall into place seamlessly

Get a crystal-clear roadmap with your most important take-aways so you always have the support you need at your fingertips 

Celebrate how far you’ve come

Restore your energetic boundaries for a fresh start or a peaceful end to your day.

Clear external energies and create a protective shield for future interactions.

Establish spiritual borders and prepare for challenging interactions with centeredness and protection.

BONUS #3: Energy Supporting Audio Library ($97 VALUE) 

“I notice that I’m not taking on as much of other people’s energy, which has been a pattern for me with teaching. I’ve been able to feel compassion for families and my students without giving away my energy and needing to fix things for them. That’s huge progress for me!”


"For the first time in my life I've learned that it's ok to be me just exactly as I am.

Brooke has caringly put an incredible amount of information together for the course. "


"What surprised me is how similar I am to people from around the world. That being sensitive is a strength and the validation of others' experiences with my own has grounded me into being more in tune with my body. 

I absolutely would recommend this to people who want to gain a new level of understanding and acceptance of themselves."



I’ve come prepared to answer your questions! If you don’t find your question here, feel free to email us at info@intuitivewarriorway.com and we’ll reply ASAP.

I want to heal my energetic boundaries, but I'm worried it will just make me feel overwhelmed.

First off, it’s important to recognize that overwhelm is often caused by pressure, but this program has been created with no pressure in site.

The Liberated HSP is designed to prevent information overload; you can go at your own pace and return to the course material as often as you like. We'll meet you exactly where you’re at and honor your natural rhythm.

No pressure, no demands, and no overwhelm. And the retreats an opportunity to reground yourself over and over again.

What exactly will be covered in the program modules?

The self-study portion includes 6 thoughtful modules (plus bonuses):

  1. Boundary Clarity: Understanding boundaries, the types of relationships, and healthy vs. unhealthy energetic boundaries.
  2. Initiating Your Journey: Spotting boundary injuries, overcoming fears, and preparing for change.
  3. Listen to Your Body Wisdom: Reconnecting with your body, grounding, and shifting energy.
  4. Reconnect to Your Authentic Self: Anchoring into who you are, overcoming people-pleasing, and building inner trust.
  5. Your Liberation Blueprint: Breaking free from outdated roles and beliefs, and releasing covert contracts.
  6. Your Energetic Hygiene Plan: Creating a life with healthy energetic hygiene, including protection and restoration practices.
  7. BONUS- Build Relationships that Love You Back: Creating healthy relationships, using scripts, and dealing with energetically problematic people.

What's the course format and what's included?

The program includes:

  • Six comprehensive modules with video lessons and visually pleasing growth sheets.
  • Two bonus modules on healthy relationships and mapping your next steps.
  • An energy-supporting audio library to keep you feeling strong day-to-day.
  • Two virtual mini-retreats with Brooke, featuring journaling, meditations, nervous system resets, and soul connection activities.

The course is delivered through videos, worksheets, and audio recordings, housed in an HSP-friendly platform designed to soothe, not overwhelm.

"Having modules made up of a series of short videos that are full of info helps me digest it more easily. I really love that the growth sheets have all the info from the video so I don't have to take notes." — Beth, The Liberated HSP Student

What if I don't have much time to spend on myself right now? 

If you truly have zero time for yourself right now, then the timing may not be right for you to take this course. 

But if you can dedicate just 30-60 minutes per week to The Liberated HSP, you'll be able to fully complete the lessons and reap all the benefits of the course. 

And this is an awesome opportunity to practice boundaries with yourself and others. We can prioritize our needs and make time for what's important to us.

What does this program cost? 

The (early-bird) investment for the Liberated HSP is $1497 or 4 payments of $397. 

Tell me more about the retreats!

The 2 mini-retreats, held virtually on Zoom, give you a soulful 2 hours to focus on yourself and deepen your learning. During these sessions, you’ll connect with Brooke and join our supportive group of sensitive folks.

Activities include guided journaling with prompts by Brooke, meditations, visualizations, body connection exercises and more. Each retreat is designed to help you integrate the program's material into your life, fostering your growth in a kind and nurturing environment.

Will I still feel safe if I’m not aware of others’ moods and other subtleties?

Here’s the great news: we won’t be turning off your amazing perception (that’s part of your built-in superpower). We’ll simply help you lessen the amount of energetic and emotional "stuff” that you absorb

In other words, you'll stay aware of everything you need to feel safe in your environment, but you'll be able to have the insight without feeling weighed down by it.

Will setting energetic boundaries cause me to lose love and connection? 

I’m gonna give it to you straight. There may be some people in your life who aren’t happy when you gain a stronger sense of self-respect and self-trust; those people will either come around or, if they’re committed to being unhealthy, the relationship may shift (and honestly, that’s often a liberating thing). 

Everyone else will:

1. Appreciate you more because it’s easier to see the authentic you, 

2. Enjoy the joyful relationship that your new awareness makes possible, and/or

3. Ask you how you’ve grown in such awesome ways!

Healing your energetic boundaries will strengthen your relationships AND give you a more grounded, holistic sense of yourself. 

How long do I have access to this course?

When you join The Liberated HSP, you’ll access to the material for the lifetime of the course (which is indefinite at this point!)

How interactive is The Liberated HSP program?

The Liberated HSP is primarily a self-study program designed for you to go at your own pace (one module is released every 2 weeks for 12 weeks). However, there are two virtual mini-retreats where you’ll have opportunities for group discussion.

During these retreats, I’ll be leading teaching sessions, answering your questions, and guiding personal growth activities. While there’s some group interaction, the focus is on personal reflection and learning.

I know investing time and money in yourself can bring up feelings of guilt or unworthiness.

And I know that after years of trying things that didn’t work- whether withdrawing from others, suffering through overwhelm, trying to avoid certain people and situations- you might be wary to think that anything could really make a difference.

I get it; if I hadn't learned these principles and tools myself, I never would have believed it's possible to experience life any differently.

But it is.

I've learned how.

My clients and students learned how.

And you deserve to learn how too.

You deserve to feel whole without getting bogged down by others' emotions, overwhelm, and fatigue. 

It’s possible to have happy relationships, energy, and confidence, no matter what life throws your way. 

Not only will these changes revitalize your own life, but you'll have more love and presence for the people who matter most to you.

If you choose to join me, I can't wait to support your liberation!

Yours in Sensitivity,

We often feel at the mercy of the moods and energies of those around us.

But you deserve to feel like your authentic self even when things aren't 100% peaceful (because so often they aren't!).


3 Payments

6 powerful modules
($1997 Value)

One Payment 


Bonus: Map Your next Steps ($97 Value)

Bonus: relationships that love you back ($197 Value)

Bonus: Energy Supporting audio library ($97 Value)

6 powerful modules
($1997 Value)

3 online retreats with Brooke ($597 Value)

Bonus: Map Your next Steps ($97 Value)

Bonus: relationships that love you back ($197 Value)

Bonus: Energy Supporting audio library ($97 Value)

join waitlist

3 Payments

3 online retreats with Brooke ($597 Value)

Bonus: Map Your next Steps ($97 Value)

Bonus: Energy Supporting audio library ($97 Value)

join waitlist

“I would absolutely recommend this program. It’s so needed right now for sensitive people. It felt like a shelter from the storm for me.”


join me!