Coming Home to Yourself: Recalibration for Sensitives

Coming Home to Yourself: Recalibration for Sensitives

Recognize the parts of you in hiding, find glipses of your true self, and reconnect to your inner knowing.

Complimentary Workshop

November 13th, 10am MST


We've all heard the phrase, “Be yourself!” 
In theory, I love this statement. It holds the idea that who we are is just right.

We've all heard the phrase, “Be yourself!” 
In theory, I love this statement. It holds the idea that who we are is just right.

We’ll explore why it can be so hard to be ourselves and how to start reorienting our inner compass towards authenticity.

Why so many of us have abandoned our true selves

How culture has shamed many of us out of our authenticity

How anxiety and overthinking are a distraction from our inner knowing

Why people pleasing can be a cry for help

An experiential exercise to connect you to back to yourself

How to help your nervous system take a deep exhale

In this FREE workshop, you'll learn:

Often we think the answer is to try harder and be better, but that takes us even further away from our true north.

Often we think the answer is to try harder and be better, but that takes us even further away from our true north.


“It felt like Brooke painted a picture of a brighter future for me. I wasn't able to paint that picture, I was stuck deeply, but I was able to look at her picture and hear how she was like me before and that she learned to paint a brighter picture for herself. In a gentle and compassionate way. It gave me real hope for the first time in years.” - Lisa-Marie

“After 58 years of living my life feeling not-good-enough, I now feel like I'm stepping into a world where it's ok to be myself, this is who I am in this world, and it's deeply acceptable to operate this way.” - Jen

“I no longer feel burnt out or on edge all the time. I not only understand my needs more, but I own them in a more empowered way. Also, I can feel my energetic boundaries becoming healthier. I don’t expect it to be a flip switched, but I notice incremental change, and it’s a huge win that I’m using the energetic boundary tools and knowledge on a daily basis.” - Angie

I’ve been a licensed therapist for 17 years, but I’ve been an HSP all my life.

I spent a good chunk of my early years hiding the real me from others. By the time I was an adult, I felt lost, anxious, and scared that if I let anyone see how sensitive I really was, they’d reject me.

But living as a sanitized version of myself left me feeling lonely and sad. 
When I started searching for the parts of me that I had left behind, it was overwhelming at first, but then I started to get my life back.

All my intuition, passion, and everything else that makes me, me was there waiting for me.

Whether you’re ready to run into the arms of your authentic self or simply take a tiny peek at the ways you’ve self-abandoned, this workshop is for you.

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