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the latest:

Last week on Instagram, one of our posts got more comments and likes than we’ve ever gotten. It struck me how much it resonated with so many people in our community, so I want to continue to bring attention to something that so many are clearly experiencing right now (and not talking about). Here’s what the post […]


HSP Challenges

The Top 3 Things That Damage Your Energetic Boundaries

I’ve been learning about, and supporting, Highly Sensitive People for 15 years. Until recently, there was always an intangible element, a universal piece of the struggle, that I couldn’t put my finger on.  When I became overwhelmed and drained by someone’s mood, I felt powerless to do anything about it. In fact, a part of me […]


Energetic Boundaries

What Most Highly Sensitive People Don’t Know About But Desperately Need

Can you guess THE most common challenge of being an HSP? Here are some clues (quotes from our HSP community)… “I can take over the feelings of other people just by sitting next to them.” “It can be painful to care so much about all living things.” “The thing I find hardest is absorbing the emotions of people around me.” […]


HSP Challenges

How to Make Sure You Aren’t Robbed of Your Right to be Human

Did you have a role in your family growing up? In many families, each family member takes on a certain way of operating. Instead of responding authentically to each situation that arises, the role we take on causes us to respond in habitual and narrow ways. One of my roles in my family was Holder of […]


HSP Challenges

How to Reconnect to Your Authentic Self When You’re Highly Sensitive

I used to resonate with the Thomas Edison quote, “the chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” I was most comfortable in my thoughts, and I could even talk about emotion from an intellectual, somewhat detached place. My body and emotions weren’t a safe place to be; I was scared of my emotions and my […]


HSP Challenges

How to Know if Shame is Fueling Your Personal Growth

I know something wonderful about you: you value growth. In fact, you’re self-aware and thoughtful, you care about how your actions impact others, and you see the importance of doing personal development work. But I have to ask you: what drives your growth? Is it curiosity? Conscientiousness? Passion? Excitement? I hope so! But if you’re like […]


HSP Challenges

When You’ve Experienced Trauma as a Highly Sensitive Person

Does this sound familiar? You’re going about your day when something catches you completely off guard. In a flash, your body comes alive with energy, your head is foggy, your thoughts spin, and your hands feel clammy. Your emotions are huge, overwhelming. Shame, anger, and/or fear overtake you and you want to lash out/hide/run away. […]


HSP Challenges

Dealing with Intense Feelings as an HSP

Do you ever feel at as loss as to what to do with your emotions? They can get so big and intense sometimes, you may not know what to do with them. You might fear that if you fully surrendered to them, you’d become totally overwhelmed, never stop crying, or become non-functional. I used to think that […]



5 Ways To Coach Yourself Through Change As An HSP

​We’re solidly in Summer now, and here in Colorado, we’ve gone from having a snowstorm in May to temperatures in the 90’s in June! The above photo is a gorgeous view of the mountains from where I am.  Not only has the weather been in a state of flux; It’s also been a time of massive […]


HSP Challenges

Dropping the Burden of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the pursuit of an ideal way of being: how we act and look or what we achieve, for example. These ideals are often culture-created but can also come from within. Purpose-driven Highly Sensitive People are at risk of falling into the trap of perfectionism. You may think there’s an “ideal you” out there that, once attained, will […]


Hi, I'm Brooke.
Your HSP Friend + Cheerleader.

Most of us HSPs grew up feeling "too sensitive", "too much" and at the same time, not enough. My mission is to help challenge those perceptions so that you see the gifts in what you thought were the worst parts of yourself. 

Around here I bring my expertise as a trauma-informed therapist to give you tips and tools for throwing off low self-esteem and living a life grounded in your authentic self. 

Learn more

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Are YOU an HSP?

Learn more about this genetic trait, also known as Sensory Processing Sensitivity, that 1-in-5 people are born with.
If you've got it, it explains SO much.

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Our Services

Join hundreds of HSPs who we've helped ditch the overwhelm and step into a more empowered version of themselves.
Whether you like to learn independently, within a community, or with 1-on-1 support, we've got you covered.

What we offer >

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